Data Caps? Apple Can't Get Out of This AT&T Deal Quick Enough
Dropped calls. Delayed Features. And now, the possibility of data caps? Let's hope Apple's new legal eagle can find a loophole to get them out of the AT&T deal as soon as possible.
PCWorld quotes AT&T head Ralph De laVega, making statements recently that could point the way to data caps, or at least data "management" for smartphone users, saying that 3% of AT&T's smartphone customers use 40% of all smartphone data. Well guess what? It's fair to say that a majority of those heavy users are iPhone owners. Why did you sign up for iPhone exclusivity again, AT&T? Oh yes, to bring in more customers. Well now they've arrived, and you can't handle them.
Is any carrier ready, though? Is the iPhone and its data-friendly ways beyond the capacity of any network? If exclusivity ended tomorrow, would users of other carriers face the same issues? I don't know, but at this point it's a chance worth taking.