Macgirl Media Pick of the Week: LOST!

If you have been following the fantastically-complex and sci-fi thrilling series LOST, you know what is coming on February 2nd. It will be the two-hour season opener to, sadly, the final season of LOST. Yes, the ABC series (also produced by JJ Abram's Bad Robot Productions) will come to an end this year.
I have mixed feelings about this being the final season. I am glad that series writers and producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse (along with many others) will be able to complete the story arc and tell the complete story. On the other hand, they have opened so many cans of worms, introduced so many compelling characters, it's hard to believe just one more (fairly short) season will leave us feeling satisfied. I hope I am wrong. To help tied you over until the series premiere, here's a link to the recap for Seasons 1-5 on iTunes. Enjoy!

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