Coming Soon to a Theater Near You: Pay to See Scenes of a Future Film

James Cameron's Avatar is nearly the cinematic equivalent of Duke Nukem Forever: Cameron started talking about the movie shortly after Titanic was released. Now 13 years later, we are slowly, finally approaching the film's debut this December.
In a move of marketing genius, or a sign of bad (or good) things to come. Regal Cinemas has announced they will host "Avatar Day" on August 21 at IMAX 3-D theaters around the country. No pricing has been announced, but we're going out on a limb and saying it won't be free since it wasn't billed as free. Details are scarce on the site though, so stay tuned.
What do you think, is it good to see final scenes in their final 3-D form before a movie is released? Will we see directors follow this trend and have studios anxious to "double-dip" or at least gain some revenue before the film is actually released? Will Regal surprise us all and make it a free event?

Reader Comments (2)
I'll come right out and say that Titanic is over rated. Now, I will be seeing Avatar but I will not be sucked into Avatar Day. WTF is this crap. THIS IS A MOVIE! Not the second coming. (insert what ever your belief system offer) All this is another way to suck another that last bill (credit , debit card) out of you pocket. Don't get me wrong I really do hope this film becomes a Sci Fi classic instead of another CG driven movie with no real plot line and bad acting.
I have faith in James Cameron even if Titanic was so so. Terminator, T2, Aliens 'nuff said.