Macgirl's Media Pick of the Week...a little Beasties

When I heard the news late last month that Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys found a cancerous lump in his throat, I was floored.
I was intent to research the latest news on the Beasties, including info about their forthcoming album. Due to his surgery, Adam and Adam and Mike will understandably be taking a break from the album. In the meantime, I took a walk down memory lane and listened to some of my favorite albums. I checked out iTunes hoping to discover a gem that I hadn't already tracked down and bought ages ago- but alas, the iTunes library of the Beasties is woefully thin.
I did find that the have the music video for Brass Monkey. And, I couldn't resist buying it.
Ahh, to be 12...and sent to my room for going to see three Jewish white boys rap, while a huge inflatable penis bops on stage...again...
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