Wednesday Website of The Week: Give a Day, Get a Day

(In keeping with the spirit of the holidays we're dedicating our weekly WWW to great sites/causes for the month of December.)
This is probably the first time we've ever linked to a Disney page for charitable reasons. Hey, we love the mouse house as much as anyone (probably a bit more) but Disney isn't the first name you think of, when you think of people in need.
As you may recall from the ads that played about a month ago (and will probably pick up again shortly) Disney is making a unique offer for their 2010 promotion: Essentially, doing a day of volunteer service for a participating organization will earn you a single day admission to a Disney theme park. We don't know just which organizations are participating, or how the logistics of the offer will play out, but you can sign up here now, and they'll email the details when they're available on January 1st. The project is powered by the HandsON Network, billed as the largest volunteer network in the nation. Or just check the site on New Year's. Hey, you might as well extend the spirit of giving into the new year, and get something back at the same time!