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Entries in virus (2)


Help Your PC Friends Through The Conficker Virus/Worm Tomorrow

Millions of PCs the world over are infected with Conficker. Yes, your Mac is safe. No, that guy who continues give you such insights as "Macs suck" since 1994 is not safe. And no, not even Microsoft's Lauren is safe (she might be, but I don't think she's "cool" enough to run virus software on her new computer.)

So let's do our best not to snicker. After all, PCs run a lot of critical operations at airports, hospitals, and military installations. So we'll hope for the best, although a little bit of chaos could certainly help Apple's marketshare... Nonetheless, I hope you'll join us in taking an oath to try to bite your tongue, and not mention the fact that your Mac is just fine. Aw, forget it. You've told them for years. If they haven't gotten it by now, they're not going to get tomorrow either. And that's just the way the antivirus makers want it.


It's a trojan horse! Run!

Yes folks, it's that time again... Time for news of a potential Trojan Horse for Mac OS X. First, my apologies to the builders of the original Trojan Horse. You had no way of knowing cleverly loading up soldiers in a wooden horse masquerading as a gift would be turned into shorthand for anything online that makes the user do something stupid. A piece of history you may not know though: no one's quite sure if the original horse actually existed, or is the product of writers/poets.

So maybe it is fitting now and then Mac users are hit with a sensationalized story of what may or may not be an actual danger for OS X users.

Real or not, I'll take one Trojan Horse over thousands of viruses any day. Never enter your password unless you know why you're doing it, and never allow a program to run that you're not familiar with. Problem solved.