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Entries in product launch (12)


The Line That Wasn't: Your iPhone Launch Photos

Overall, reports are that lines for the iPhone 3G S launch are short, with pre-orders taking most of the spaces. Our local AT&T store had about 20 people in line, only one of which was not a pre-order:

And a thanks to @andycinek on Twitter for this pic from the Suburban Square store in Ardmore (Philly) PA:

And @Dripps gives us a look at the Rockport NJ store:

A quick note for those of you who haven't purchased an iPhone since the original launch: Since the phones are now activated in store, the time per customer is up substantially, so just because there's a short line doesn't mean you shouldn't plan on being there awhile...


Headed to an Apple Store or AT&T? Let us know how it goes

It's here. Admittedly, it doesn't have the energy of the iPhone 3G launch, let alone the fever pitch of the original iPhone launch, but it is still an iPhone launch day, and we want to get a clear picture of what's happening across the country, and around the world. Please share your experiences, pictures, tweets and videos. Either in the comments below, via Twitter, tell us where to find your pics on Flickr, or your videos on Youtube.


An Optimistic Possibility From Apple's Macworld Decision

Earlier today, it was announced that Steve Jobs would not be giving the Keynote address at Macworld, and that this would mark Apple's last year at the event.

Within minutes, Apple-follower's heads (including mine) were spent spinning. But let me try to offer one optimistic explanation. Apple is, after all, Apple, Inc. and no longer Apple Computer Inc. Lest we forget there's another big electronics event in January: CES.

Maybe Jobs is positioning himself as keynote speaker for CES in 2010. It would be a terrible move to show up at CES this year, while the Mac faithful are gathered elsewhere. It would make sense though, that Jobs would want to go from Keynote speaker of his company's event, to Keynote speaker for the entire industry.

I don't believe Apple can be abandoning big events. They have served so well for launches of products like the iPhone. Sure the HiFi speaker could be introduced at a small press event, but grand, revolutionary products are a different story.

Sure, there are plenty of reasons this could simply be wishful thinking. Let us know your thoughts below.


Is Apple Tone Deaf To The Economy?

With today's announcements, the price for the low-end new MacBook increased $200. Increased. In recent days, analysts have expected a low-cost option from Apple. Something in the $800-900 range to stoke demand, and open new markets. Given the global economic situation, it would seem to make sense to offer something more attractive at a lower price for consumers.

Instead, Apple is keeping around the old Mac Book at $999. You can buy last year's model for more than analysts expected the entry point of the new one to be.

The only saving grace here is there's an old saying it's always easier to drop the price. I would expect to see a price drop on these units before the holidays. Otherwise, Apple will be squandering a chance to open an entirely new budget market. Then again, maybe that's not where they want to go at all.


The Obligatory Apple Store is Down Post

Title says it all, as the kids say. Well, the kids in 2006. At any rate, the Apple Store is now down, so it looks like, gasp! something could be announced today. Don't forget we'll have a live video recap at 2PM ET /11AM PT