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The Line That Wasn't: Your iPhone Launch Photos

Overall, reports are that lines for the iPhone 3G S launch are short, with pre-orders taking most of the spaces. Our local AT&T store had about 20 people in line, only one of which was not a pre-order:

And a thanks to @andycinek on Twitter for this pic from the Suburban Square store in Ardmore (Philly) PA:

And @Dripps gives us a look at the Rockport NJ store:

A quick note for those of you who haven't purchased an iPhone since the original launch: Since the phones are now activated in store, the time per customer is up substantially, so just because there's a short line doesn't mean you shouldn't plan on being there awhile...

Reader Comments (2)

I don't think it will be as crazy as last year. Combine with online per-orders and reservations; we may see smaller line with a nice number sold.

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGary

Great coverage guys and much thanks for posting my photo!

June 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew Marcinek

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