Google's Nexus One Confirms it: 2010 Will be a Tech Year for the Ages

Photo: Engadget.comGoogle just finished unveiling the Nexus One, created in partnership with htc. The phone in early reviews seems quite capable, and probably comes in above the Droid as the best Android phone. Of most interest though, is the 5MP camera and built-in flash all in a phone thinner than a pencil.
Many of the Android-powered devices seem designed to help their carriers retain customers, by closing the gap with the iPhone enough to make the move to AT&T (in the U.S.) less appealing. When/if Apple gets out of the AT&T exclusivity, it will be quite interesting to see how many Android devices thrive, and where the carriers will put their promotional dollars. If you were Verizon, and you had the iPhone and the Droid, and you knew how much brand/name recognition the iPhone already has, which handset would you want to promote.
The hardware specs, at least of the camera on the Nexus One shows that Apple can, with enough time be beaten. This may very well mean a move to two iPhone upgrades a year to keep pace with emerging camera and battery technology. All of which means better, faster, and hopefully cheaper devices for all of us.
Your move, Apple.