And Now, Some Stats For The Pirates

It may come as a shock to the law-abiding reader, but some people choose to get their media by more nefarious means. This week the Hollywood Reporter took a look at the most pirated TV shows of the week.
The winner (or loser, depending on how you look at it) was Heroes, with 1.76 million downloads, just beating out Lost with 1.7 million downloads. It would be interesting to see how those numbers compare to the number of times those shows were purchased on iTunes over the same period. The stats come from a company called ShowInsider. It sort of begs the question though: if you know how many copies of a specific file are being downloaded, shouldn't you be able to stop it?
Rounding out the top ten were: "House," "24," "The Big Bang Theory," "How I Met Your Mother," "South Park," "Family Guy," "Gossip Girl," and "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles". The Hollywood Reporter plans on making this a new weekly feature. We will not.