A few Microsoft E3 ditties

As the internet explodes with fanboy anger over Microsoft's latest E3 coup, we have some thoughts on their lesser debated announcements.
-Full Xbox 360 game downloads coming in August. This along with the new UMD-less PSP and dare we say the iPhone App Store is changing the way we acquire our games. It was nice knowing ya GameStop. Say hi to Tower Records for us at Chapter 11 court.
-Minor update to Netflix. No longer do you need your Mac or PC to update your movie que. Updating is now available from the Xbox dashboard. We say yea to this. Movie subscriptions for the win. Owning content is soooo 2005
-Facebook and Twitter integration. Maybe Microsoft's $250 million Facebook investment is finally paying off. On one hand we think the integration will be a great way for 360 users to meet and play with new people. On the other hand it's another way of Facebook taking over our lives. The Twitter integration is what you'd expect, Twitter on your Xbox and we just don't "get" Twitter.
-Zune Marketplace hits the 360 this fall. All video (and we think music) will be available on the 360 dashboard. Oh yeah, it's 1080p instant on streamed video too. Is BluRay now the new laser disc? Does this force Apple to do something serious with Apple TV?