Comcast and NBC... Only Apple Can Stop It

image: NewLaunches.comIt hasn't been nearly the news story it should be, but Comcast has been in talks to buy NBC for quite some time now. About a month ago, it looked like the whole thing fell through, but lately, rumblings of a purchase have re-surfaced.
This isn't like Disney owning ABC, or News Corp owning Fox. As we all know, Comcast is the tv and cable pipeline for a large portion of the country. Put yourself in the shoes of CBS, or any of the other networks. Imagine relying on your own competitor to beam your channel into millions of homes. Comcast could decide it's not worth it to carry Lifetime, or ABC Family (both parts of ABC) in favor of two new NBC channels. Your future as a broadcaster/network would lie squarely in the hands of the enemy.
Maybe that's why Apple has chosen this time to start shopping around monthly subscription options for television. You wouldn't expect the other networks to get on board, but in the face of the looming Comcast/NBC merger potential, it would make sense to find another distribution method.
While I said Apple could stop it, on their own, they wouldn't stop it as much as offer another option for consumers and other networks. They could lobby the FCC though, to keep the deal from going through. Would that be in Apple's best interest though? Would they be better served by being an alternative to the NBC/Comcast coalition? What about consumers?
Let us know what you think in the comments...