Can Apple and Google Still Be Friends?

www.junkfoodclothing.comTime is reporting that Google CEO Eric Schmidt has resigned his position on the Apple Board of Directors. And on Friday, the FCC sent letters to Google, Apple, and AT&T trying to get to the bottom of why the Google Voice app had been rejected. Add to that the Android OS for mobile phones, and it looks like it might be time for these two companies to start seeing other people.
But are there even any other people to see? Let's say the two companies wanted to part company completely. Could it even be done? Imagine Safari with Bing search by default, or maps on the iPhone by MapQuest. Google might just hold the upper hand when it comes to having the name recognition and "coolness" factor of apps iPhone users would expect.
On the other hand, if Google's services were only available on Android phones, then Google would have their own anti-trust issues to worry about.
While the Google Voice app rejection remains a mystery, (and a story we didn't cover, with the belief it would be quickly resolved) the bigger mystery is how can two companies that rely on each other so heavily delicately dance between collusion, alienation of other partners, and all-out phone wars?

Reader Comments (3)
Please google and apple! Go to marriage counseling or something! If I have to use anything other than google with all of my mac stuff I think I'll have to kill myself!
They need to work it out- there is room for both companies, and Google could hurt Apple if they just close off all cooperation (ie not allowing the Google Voice app)
Your opinion over simplify the resignation. There is little more to Schmidt's decision to leave the board other than the iPhone. Believe it or not! Yes, Apple and Google are start competing on Key products. Safari vs Chrome, iPhone OS vs Asteroids, & Mobile me vs Google's web apps, and finally OSX vs Google OS. There was no way Schmidt could stay on the board and lead Google to compete against Apple. If I was a betting person the next resignation will come from Arthur D. Levinson if he doesn't resign from Google's board first.