Wednesday Website of the Week: Dispatches From The Island

We often put celebrities on pedestals. They don't like the same things we do, or deal with the same problems we do. Well guess what? That's not always the case. Take Jorge Garcia, one of the stars of ABC's hit "Lost." For those unfamiliar, Jorge plays Hurley, one of the more easygoing castaways on the island. (believe me, we're brushing over a lot of mythology of his character over the last five years.)
Jorge has his own blog, Dispatches From the Island. If you're looking for Lost spoilers, this isn't the place for you. Instead, this is Jorge's personal blog of his own experiences, and sure there's some crossover. For example, he recently blogged about his trip to Comic-Con, but he wasn't talking about the Lost panel, instead he was talking about the swag at the event, things that personally excited him, and a look at his hotel room. You realize that like a lot of us, it's the kind of event Jorge would attend even if that whole major TV show gig wasn't going on.
He's one of us. One of the guys who enjoys a trip to a theme park, or a snapshot with Star Trek gadgets. In short, we'll call him one of the good guys. Check out
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