Woz Defies The Odds With Your Help

You can't say Apple fans aren't a loyal bunch. Especially to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. In what might be the biggest shocker in Dancing With The Stars history, Woz survived last night elimination, despite having the lowest score the week before. In fact he wasn't even subjected to the Dance-Off, an agony I'm pretty sure was created by the minds behind 7th grade dances. At any rate, DWTS bases rankings on both judges' scores, and viewer votes. The exact way those votes are tabulated is more than a bit of mystery and has led to some questions of legitimacy, even from Woz. (who later rectracted it) But the Mac (and broader tech) community pulled together and got him through to the next round. The next show is a double-elimination, with two "stars" sent home. Can he pull it off?

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