Google Chrome First Impressions

If you have a PC you're probably using FireFox because Internet Explorer is garbage. Google asks if there is room for another browser . . . enter Chrome. The name is questionable, but the product is great. Chrome is based on both the Webkit platform (same as Safari) and the Gecko platform (same as FireFox). I'm not entirely sure what they've taken from each of those browsers, but the speed is astonishing. It loads pages noticeably faster than the aforementioned browsers.
I think that's really the best way to benchmark a browser . . . does it load pages noticeably faster. I don't really care if a browser loads a page faster if it's not noticeable, and Chrome is noticeable when loading almost all pages and for this reason it wins the default browser award on my day job PC (I know, I'm not proud of it, but they didn't really give me a choice).
Google Chrome is a tab based browser with a one search and URL box for all things web approach. The browser supports multiple tabs and a crash proof architecture. A tab might crash, but Chrome isolates that problem closes the tab, but your browsing session isn't totally destroyed.
For those of you who look at source code, I think you'll find the view source option quite well done.
When will Chrome come to the Mac, I don't know but I did sign up to be notified of it's release. If it's as fast as the PC version I can't wait for it's introduction.
google chrome

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