Patent Infringement? Clear With Computers sues Apple and HP re: Online Ordering Systems

It seems yet another company is looking for a big payday from Apple. This time it is a Texan company named Clear With Computers and they are suing regarding (any guesses?) patent infringement regarding two of CWC’s patents.
CWC claims that Apple infringed on their patents that allow for custom online ordering of products and parts. CWC claims the dispute stems from Apple’s online store, their main website and relevant sales and supply systems. The patents together allow users to sign in to the system and build a list of products and parts, which also includes descriptions (either text or visual) of the options. Basically, the patented system allows for customized computer ordering, making shopping easier for the customer. CWC has also joined HP as a defendant in the above-described action claiming HP also uses a system that is similar to the patented system for the selling of their computer products.
The ridiculous part of the entire lawsuit is that CWC’s patents vaguely reflect the systems that Apple and HP are using for ordering. CWC’s patent does not include online transaction; rather the company would print out the custom offer and work to make the sale in person (antiquated, I know). It seems to me that CWC’s case is more one of wishful thinking than a legitimate patent infringement. Further, has CWC forgotten about other computer giants such as Dell? They also use a similar system and have been using this system for over ten years.
Regardless of the seemingly different online ordering systems, CWC is pressing forwarded and seeking relief through damages for deliberate infringement and a permanent injunction on both Apple and HP. Possible dismissal? We’ll just have to wait and see how this one turns out!
This blog is based on an article from
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