Zombie Highway for the iPhone and iPod Touch Video Review

There are (un)officially about 16,000 games in the App Store that have something to do with zombies. I'm pleased to announce I've found my favorite - so far, at least. Zombie Highway puts you in control of a beat up car, trying to flee zombies and dodge vehicles strewn across the rickety road. Zombies leap and grab on to the car, in an attempt to flip it, presumably to then eat your brains.
Your mission is to see how far you can go before the zombies inevitably win. You have several weapons to choose from, but the most effective zombie-killer is brute force: run the side of your car into the sides of the crashed cars to inflict the most damage on your unwanted passengers. There are a few tips and tricks to keep the zombies from getting to your car to begin with, but you'll have to watch the video to see those: