Macgirl's Media Pick of the Week: Y Rock on XPN

We'd all like to think we have great taste. A well-rounded, hip view of music is an important part of your persona, no? Well I'd like to think its part of mine (I'll take the hip part with a grain of salt). Which brings me to this week's pick: Y Rock on XPN. If you're a native Philadelphian you will remember Y-Rock as Y-100, and its demise in 2005. Thankfully, through WXPN, you can catch Y Rock streaming online anytime, anywhere. It also broadcasts Wednesday and Thursday nights 8pm-11pm, and Friday nights 7pm-11pm, on 88.5 FM(WXPN). They have an app as well, but if you're at your computer stick with the stream, it's a higher bit rate...
One afternoon can bring you classics by the The Smiths and XTC to new releases by the Gorillaz, Mike Doughty and The Ting Tings. I am partial to any station that plays New Order, meaning that Y Rock is streaming on my computer most of the day. It has the added bonus of discovering new artists and being surprised by what's on next!(oh that crazy radio!) Check it out next time you tire of listening to your iPod remix (again).