Wal Mart Visit: iPhone? What iPhone?

I'll tell you up front, what you already know: Walking into Wal Mart to buy an iPhone 3G is completely different from heading to your neighborhood Apple Store. Upscale pretentiousness is replaced by a third-world market feel. I made my way past the hoards of holiday returns, and heightened tensions near a $3 shirt sale, to get to the "Communications Center." Or, "this is where we sell phones" section. The first thing I noticed, I made it all the way back to electronics without any indication the iPhone was sold there. Only once I walked around to the back side of the communication island did I find the display you see above. You may notice something missing. Either it's already been stolen, or they haven't bothered to put the iPhone on display yet at this location.
I wanted to ask about it, but the only Communications Center employee was dealing with a line of DVD buyers at the time. Available accessories consisted of plastic screen covers, and the Apple earbuds you see on the right.
Funny how Apple spent all those years getting the Best Buy store-within-a-store concept just right, and now this is how they peddle arguably their most revolutionary product to date.