2010: The Year Flash Dies.

Adobe Flash, you've had a good run. You've humored us through the years with various updates. You've made our workday a little slower with buffering, and CPU overload. And in all seriousness, without you, we may have never known the words "embed code" on websites. Alas, like all good things, this too must end.
When Apple released the iPhone, and it didn't support flash, we scoffed. How dare they turn their back on the predominant 3rd party content delivery platform! This will be the Achille's heel of the iPhone! Instead, in the latest in a string of events showing just how mighty Apple has become, in announcing their support for html 5, the rest of the industry slowly started to follow suit.
And now this week, the site with the largest amount of flash-encoded content in the world, YouTube, has started making its videos available without Flash. Vimeo has announced they will follow suit, and thus begins a sudden, dizzying spiral. It will still take a few months for the death certificate to be signed. After all, we have to still rely on Flash for our live video stream, but that will all change soon enough. What YouTube(google) and Apple do, the rest of the industry surely follows.
Let's meet back at this post in a year, and see if our dear, CPU-hogging friend is still with us...