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Entries in Video Review (134)


Chopper iPhone Game Review

First, a disclosure: the video review for Chopper below is a few weeks old. And while I still stand by everything said in the review, I just can't stop playing the game. Consider yourself warned!


Koi Pond for iPhone Review

The calming, tranquil water of a koi pond. Could anything be further removed from the beeps, buzzes, and blips of modern life? Well, fortunately for us, we can have the best of both worlds with Koi Pond for the iPhone and iPod Touch. While it's not perfect (although perfection in a digital pond could certainly be subjective) it is a soothing - at least briefly -way to escape your own digital lifestyle. And if nothing else, you can look at the settings screen, and try to decipher the drawings. You'll see what we mean:


Brain Tuner Lite for iPhone Review

Looking to brush up on basic math skills, and want to do it on the cheap? Brain Tuner gives you basic math training in a simple, (perhaps too simple for repeat play) game.

Check it out:


Moto Chaser for the iPhone and iPod Touch

Freeverse Software has changed the title of their iTunes App Store launch title from Moto Racer to Moto Chaser, and they've made some key changes along the way. First, a $4 drop in price. Second, the layout of the controls is better, and finally the steering is now tolerable.

Here's a look:


Audi A4 Challenge iPhone Game Review

You would think a major car manufacturer taking advantage of the iPhone as a promotional gaming platform would have the potential to create something fun and innovative. The Audi A4 Challenge for iPhone and iPod Touch is neither.

As a matter of fact, the poor quality of gameplay could actually reflect poorly on the cars. The handling of the tiny Audi on your screen is horrible. Maybe it needs traction control.

Take a look: