Our Quick Guide For New iPhone / iPod Touch Owners

Well what do ya' know... Turns out you weren't on the naughty list at all!
If you got an iPhone or iPod Touch this holiday season, we want to help you get up to speed with our superfast new owner guide.
First, welcome! When you get a new Mac, Apple has that cool intro screen with all the different languages. No such luck with the iPhone and iPod Touch, at least not yet...
1. Setup an iTunes account.
2. Grab these mainstream (and mostly free) apps: AIM, The Weather Channel, Facebook, and if you're into twitter, Tweetie. Speaking of twitter, follow @3WordAppReviews to get apps summed up in three tidy words. And if you'll be using AT&T, you'll want to pick up Mark The Spot as well. You shouldn't need it, but hey, it's not a perfect world.
3. Grab some apps to impress your friends: Yelp (use the Monocle feature!) iSpy Cameras, and Google Earth are good places to start.
4. Get some games to play: These will show off the range of the iPhone and iPod Touch for gaming: Spider, SkySmash, HomeRun Battle, Platypus, and Eliminate (free version).
5. Get a case: Before you get too excited playing with your new toy, you'll want to protect it. There are a ton of cases, many fall into a few different styles. If you're looking for a soft protective case, try the iSkin Solo Fx, which has a bunch of color/pattern options. If you want something more rugged, it's hard to go wrong with a case from the folks at Otterbox.
6. Hook it up in the car: Many new cars have USB connectivity, or at least an audio input. If yours doesn't hopefully you have a cassette player, and can simply use a cassette adapter. If not, you'll have to pick an FM transmitter. None of them are great, so check those Amazon reviews carefully.
6. Get used to gift cards: Getting an iPod generally means relatives far and wide will start giving you iTunes giftcards. This is not a bad thing.
7. And you'll need a podcast, of course! If I may humbly suggest, (and manage to sneak in a plug) subscribing to DoubleTap through iTunes. In each episode we cover iPhone app, app store news and more.
8. Oh, and have fun! Happy holidays, everybody!