Tweetube? Do we need this?

TUAW has a nice review of tweetube. Essentially, tweetube is a mashup of youtube and twitter, allowing you to make short, 25 second video clips, then make them available via a link in twitter.
My question, and it is a question, because I'm just not sure about the answer. On one hand, why have a service with an arbitrarily short limit on video recording? Can't we get our fill of self-made media on Youtube already. On the other hand, Twitter has shown that for better or worse, there's an appeal for short, frequent communications. A short text message though, is much easier/quicker to compose than a video.
For the person receiving the link, it's much quicker to read a short post than to watch a short clip. Plus, when does the shortness of a clip rob it of any meaning? Tweetube is limited to 25 seconds, but there's which, as the name implies, has a 12-second limit on video.
What do you think? What are some clever uses for these kinds of services, if clever uses exist?