How The Other Side Lives: CNET Reviews IE 8

The opening to Stephen Shankland's review of Internet Explorer 8 sums it up best:
In the interest of broadening my horizons, I promised Microsoft I'd give Internet Explorer 8 a fair shake by trying the browser as my default for a week.
And, boy, am I glad that week is over.
He goes on to mention that IE still isn't in the same class as his preferred browsers, Firefox and Chrome (can we hurry up with that Mac version of Chrome, please?). Still, from the "It couldn't get worse" files, Shankland recommends current IE 7 users upgrade due to increased security features. Overall though, the sluggishness of the interface, gave him pause (literally), and made him long for his browsers of choice.
Being April Fool's Day and all, I have a foolish proposal for Microsoft: bring IE back to the Mac. Just for fun, as we say around here.