Wednesday Website of the Week - RiffTrax

So I'm a sci-fi nerd, and I can't get enough of the old sci-fi movies...even the bad ones. Enter my 20 year devotion to all things Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K to those in the know). The focus of the show (which included skits and a cute intro and outro) had funny people talking over cheesy "B" movies, and much hilarity ensued.
So some of the gang from that great show have a different venture now, called RiffTrax. My favorite comedian of the MST3K days, Mike Nelson, teamed up with Bill Corbett and Kevin Murphy and others, to make bad movies funny again. Its pretty easy to use RiffTrax- you rent or Netflix a DVD they have a RiffTrax for, and simply play them in sync. Or, you can download full movies with the tracks layered over. They sell DVDs as well.
If you are nostalgic for some good old-fashioned MST3K, this is a close runner up to the original, and it may even be better.