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Pinball HD Video Review

Having been in a position to do app reviews from day one of the App Store, it's been fascinating to watch the changing economics of the store. When the store debuted, a good, single-table pinball game would cost at least $4.99. Today with Pinball HD, you get three tables for 99 cents.

And not just any tables either: all three are graphically stunning, and play really well. The app uses a smartzoom to zoom in and out, and change perspective for detailed looks at the action. Once you adjust to this, which doesn't take long, you can get lost in the game itself.

Also rather than re-skinning the same table, all three games have unique elements: a few have upper flippers, the use of modern tech in the table varies, and each one has a distinctly unique feel.

Definitely a great value for the pinball fan, or at 99 cents, the casual player.

Here's a look:

Pinball HD in the App Store.