Welcome to Our New Digs

"Hey, what's going on with the look of the site," you ask. Well, we're still getting settled into our new home/ design. While we finish up, I wanted to tell you about some of the improvements to the site.
Blog and Channel On The Home Page
Yes, we're sparing you countless clicks by placing our blog directly on the home page. Now you can simply bookmark TheDigitalLifestyle.tv and have our video channel and blog in one place. Speaking of video, there's an interesting optical illusion to the page now. You may think the video player is smaller. It actually isn't. It's the same size as on the previous page. Don't forget you can always click Full Screen if you find it too small.
Easier Sharing of Blogs
Now you have options to email blogs, as well as share them on digg, reddit, facebook, and several other social news/networking sites.
We've built up quite a collection of video and blog posts over the last year. Now you can search that content with our search box on the right side of the screen. (It's a little hard to see at the moment. Stay tuned.)
Easier Blog Commenting
Previously, you had to have a blogger account to post a comment. Now anyone can post, but to keep spam in check, we have to approve the comments. It is not our intention to censor comments, we simply need a mechanism to keep out spam, and for now, this is the best option.
View Blogs By Author
Can't get enough of Jamie's looks behind the Genius Bar? Want to screen out all my rants? Now you can view blog posts by author, as well as keyword, and soon, category.
Again, we're still moving in, so look for more tweaks along the way. For now, we'd love to hear what you think. As a matter of fact, why not try out that new comment system, and let us know below!