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Entries in nasa (2)


Retro Tech Tuesday: NASA Circa 1965

This week's retro tech find requires little introduction: Let's take a look at the progress of NASA, in 1965:


TDL Profile: Astronaut Leroy Chiao

Earning a Ph D. would be good enough for most of us, but Leroy Chiao has always set his sights higher. He has been in space on four missions, including a six and a half month stay aboard the International Space Station. Now as an encore, he is the Executive Vice President of Excalibur Almaz, a startup venture hoping to put paying tourists into orbit (not just near-space joy rides) over the next few years, and they've got a clever way to shave years off of the R & D for the trip. 

Leroy has been a Mac user since 1985, and continues to do so today. (You can blame NASA for a stint in which Leroy had to use a PC.) In this TDL Profile, Leroy talks about his space experience, debunks a space myth, and tells us about his iPhone 3GS:


You can read Leroy's blog here, or follow him on twitter @Astrodude

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