Mighty Miyo for the iPhone and iPod Touch Video Review

They say build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door. While cute, the folks behind Miyo Mouse don't have to worry about a rush to their door just yet. In Miyo Mouse, you navigate a mouse on a game board, trying to avoid mousetraps and falling meatballs (the developers call them fireballs) while gathering cheese, and returning to the home position.
The problem? The controls are frustrating: right and up directional buttons are on the right side of the game, with down and left controls to the left. Two big buttons (as well as blank space underneath the buttons) allow you to stop your mouse in its tracks. A more traditional directional pad placement of the buttons would go a long way toward making the game better. Some sound effects, and less reliance on stock music would be great as well. And as for those falling meatballs, they had frustration rather than difficulty to the game. Here's a look: