Buy a Psystar, And You're On Your Own
Something really crazy almost happened today. I was within two clicks of buying a Psystar Open Comptuer with Mac OS X installed. We've had fun with their name, and we've questioned their legal footing, but when I saw comparable MacPro specs on a $1500 configuration, it was almost enough to "add to cart." My mind was imagining editing our videos here in half the time, without a care in the world. And after all, no matter what happened with Apple and Psystar, I would be safe. I mean, what are they going to do, take the computer back?
And then I got to the last portion of the FAQ's page: Psystar is not responsible for any legal repercussions brought upon you due to your use or involvement with the Open Computer and/or OpenPro.
Saying something, and having it be the law are two different things, but it's just the kind of clause that really takes away the warm fuzzies of getting a "Mac" at half the price. I'll pass.