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Entries in longhorn (1)


Starting Snow Leopard Day with a "Tribute" to Vista

As clean installs start on Macs around the world, let's take a moment to salute that other OS: Vista. The following song from entertonement pays homage to the fun of finding Vista drivers. Let's hope there isn't need for a similar Snow Leopard song soon. Sure there'll be some bumps along the way, but we doubt it'll be like this:



Verse 1
Got my parts, got what I need
Just gotta put it together
Active cooler and some new thermal grease
So my new CPU will not fry

Verse 2
So many times, I've clocked it too fast
Hot swapped my BIOS for glory
But not again -- I'm learned so much since then
I just hope that I don't cause a fire

Chorus A
When I find all the drivers that's when I'll know it's right
I've got all the components I desire
I've got new SATA cables and some cold cathode lights
But I don't know if I have the right
Vista drivers

Verse 3
Motherboard mounts in the case
I put in two brand new hard drives
Don't have to wait, 'cause they're both solid state
Add two more, now that's four, in RAID 5

Chorus B
But I still need the drivers or those hard disks won't write
Without them, this whole project's looking dire
I've installed several RAM sticks and the optical drive
But they won't do me much good without
Vista drivers

Verse 4
Final piece falls into a place
Lean and mean, power hungry
DLLs have been giving me hell
With a flick of the switch it's alive

Chorus C
It came down to the drivers, though they put up a fight
I can see my performance soaring higher
Now with my best screwdriver I'll make everything tight
And I finally found all the right
Vista drivers

Those damned Vista drivers
Nvidia drivers
Creative sound drivers
I hate Vista drivers
They're still Longhorn drivers