Macgirl's Review of Cake Mania 3

It's time for another click-wheel iPod game review, this time for Cake Mania 3.
I think anyone who is loking for a fun little game with a time challenge, nice graphics, and a unique catch (bake for a dinosaur?) will really enjoy this game. It is well designed, it scales up at a fair pace, and the little extras are well thought out (ie you can buy a mini pastry maker to bake and give out pastries to your hungry, waiting customers to buy you more time to bake.)
But, unfortunately, my heart was never in it. Probably because-full disclosure- I have worked in a restaurant. The angry customers, the rush to make things right, bouncing along the counter from here to there...well, it just felt too much linke WORK to me. As in, I've already done this, in the real world, getting dirty and tired in the process . At least I was paid real money for my stress and hard work (although the dinos leave you bones as a payment, but last time I checked, bones on my iPod do not cover my rent...) So it is after many rounds of half-hearted attempts I can say that this game is exhausting! I do think a younger, less employed player would enjoy this game much more. Alas, cake mania is just not for me.