iFreshener for iPhone Video Review

It's hard to not sound like an old grumpy man when saying 99 cents is too much to pay for something, but I'm going to do it any way. If ever there was a silly app that didn't really do anything, and should be free, it would be iFreshener.
iFreshener aims to be a virtual air freshener. And I will say, as virtual air fresheners for the iPhone go, this one is at the top of the (non-existent)heap. A few possible improvements to the app though: First, tapping anywhere on the can makes it spray. At least make the user touch the spray cap. And if you make it give you those annoying red rings I always get when I hold sown a spray can nozzle too long, that's be great. Also, the sound the can makes when shaking is far more like a spray paint can than an air freshener.
What would make it worth 99 cents? Fix the two issues above, and then add the ability to customize the can's look. It would be more humorous to name the can yourself. I'll let you come up with your own funny names. Here's a look at iFreshener :