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Entries in health (2)


Jobs' Announcement May Explain Bland Keynote

We're all still digesting Steve Jobs' announcement that he will be taking a leave from Apple to care for his health issues that are, in his words, "more complex than I originally thought." First, it's worth noting that this was the suspicion of Jamie here at TDL from day one. I didn't believe it, and still don't want to. That said, this may explain why this year's keynote was so bland, and in a different way than you may have originally thought.

It is my belief that products like the iPhone nano, and the revamped Mac mini are ready, or nearly ready to debut. Apple may have taken a calculated risk: After all, if those new products were released, and Jobs left for an extended time, and Apple had nothing new to ship, what would people say? Apple can't make great products without Steve. Now, they can release these products over the next six months, and give the appearance (whether true or not) that the company can innovate perfectly fine with Jobs on the sidelines.


Jobs Puts The Pundits To Rest. For Awhile, At Least

In a surprisingly candid moment, Steve Jobs today shared details of his health issues on the eve of Apple's last appearance at Macworld. Jobs says in his letter on the Apple website that a hormone imbalance is responsible for his noticeable weight loss over the last year.

I'm torn as to whether it should have ever come to this. Were we (and I mean the Mac community) wrong in being concerned not only about Jobs personally, but about the fate of the company? Was Jobs wrong in not being adamant enough that he was not on his deathbed? Reading the last line of his post, "So now I’ve said more than I wanted to say, and all that I am going to say, about this," I can't help but feel a little guilty that this person, a human being, had to be so public in disclosing personal health information. Hopefully, both the rumor mill and wall street can let this rest for awhile now.