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Entries in hdmi (2)


HDMI to DisplayPort Solution from Kanex at Macworld 2010

It's great that your shiny new iMac can also function as a second monitor for other devices. Not so great? The fact that those other devices have to be connected via a DisplayPort connection, meaning the options of just what you can hook up to it are limited, to say the least. This week at Macworld, Kanex is showing off their new box, slated to go on sale in April, aimed at bringing additional functionality by allowing you to connect HDMI devices like gaming consoles to your iMac.

Here's a look:


The Tablet: Our Most Expected Unexpected Feature

We're busy baking today at TDL: Why not put some icing on the speculation cake... Tomorrow, unveiled for all will be "Apple'S LATEsted creation." While we know absolutely nothing for sure about the device, that means it's a perfect time to talk about a feature we expect to see on the Canvas/iSlate/iPad that we haven't heard people talking about anywhere else.

If the new device is indeed media oriented, that means portable movies and tv shows on a screen bigger,brighter, and crisper than the iPhone. If, as expected, the device has a ten inch screen, that will make it awkward to hold for a full feature film. There's always the chance it will have some sort of stand built-in, but there's probably a better chance of the MacBook getting firewire back (again) before that happens.

Keep in mind that the potential customers who have $600-$1,000 to buy a tablet on day one, also are likely to have a large HDTV at home. Isn't that a better way to watch a movie if you're already at home to begin with? Enter our expected feature: Wireless HDMI. A small dongle shipped with the device could attach to the HDMI port on the television, and turn the tablet into a wireless AppleTV when you're at home. True, a dongle isn't Apple's style, but not having the function sleekly built into the tablet certainly is. If you're going to have a dongle, it's best to have it hidden behind the TV, right?

What feature do you think might surprise us all tomorrow?