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Entries in diffle (1)


Diffle For The iPhone and iPod Touch Review

With Diffle, it's what's different that makes a difference. Unlike games like Bejeweled, based on finding similar shapes and colors to clear the board, with Diffle, you're looking for differences in shapes, colors, and patterns, with the most differences being worth the most points.

Each round is timed, and you must complete 7 matches (or anti-matches, I suppose) before running out of time in order to go to the next round. This is unique because it's both timed, and a problem solving game: Only having 90 seconds to complete even the easiest game board means you make snap judgements, rather than thinking through the best match each time.

It's strange but it seems our brains have been wired to find similarities, and in playing this game, sometimes it feels like I can feel the new synapses firing in my brain, as I look at the pieces in a different way from the norm.

That's not to say it's overly difficult, it just makes you look at things a little differently than you might expect in this kind of game. Here's a look at our video review of Diffle