Verizon, We're Pulling For Ya

You got to admire Verizon's moxie. AT&T files a lawsuit due to those "there's an app for that" ads, and what does Verizon do? They come back with holiday-themed ads pressing the same point. While it's too early to tell whether the Droid will be a serious contender to the iPhone, one thing is certain: The combination of Verizon touting its coverage, and their introduction of a capable smartphone should worry AT&T. And it should certainly worry AT&T more than Apple. Apple could probably make the Droid disappear overnight if they could bring the iPhone to more major carriers. Of course AT&T's exclusivity is getting in the way, but someday it will be gone.
When both Verizon and AT&T can offer the iPhone, AT&T will have to either compete on price, or enhance their network, both of which are better for everyone.