Cops and Robbers for the iPhone Review

If you just go by the iTunes reviews, this is one of those apps you might avoid. But if you try it, and see what its really all about, you might just like it. In Cops and Robbers, you play either a robber (two characters to choose from) or a cop. The main arc of the game though, is as a robber who has to make rent by gathering money, and more importantly jewels scattered around a city, while avoiding the cops. The graphics are quite nice, and give the game a unique feel.
Some reviewers on iTunes have said "all you do is time jumps." That's true to an extent, but the same could be said of Mario Bros. to some degree. The gameplay isn't terribly complex, but again, if you know that going in, you shouldn't be disappointed. There's also a lite version available if you want to try before you buy: