Newsweek brings us a look at the facts and figures behind the all-mighty cell phone. We apologize in advance for the 15-second pre-roll ad... that's Newsweek's call.
Some stats will be quite familiar, and a few may prove eye-opening. At any rate, it's an interesting look at where we've been:
While we continue to digest yesterday's WWDC Keynote, it seemed like an appropriate time to look back at the history of the cell phone, so here's a look at a very early ad from Centel. Cen-who? Yeah, it was a long time ago. I didn't have this phone, but I did have an early analog from AudioVox with the good folks at Cellular One. I had two counties of coverage without roaming fees! (provided I was calling within those areas... I was still paying an outlandish amount per minute.)
Enough about me though. I know someone with a far more adventurous life: The guy in this ad. Maybe animals were far more free roaming in the late 80's, and roads were always crisscrossing streams. Good times...
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