Flight Control for the iPhone and iPod Touch Video Review

It was a lost weekend, and I blame it all on Flight Control. Many months ago, I had a chance to briefly play the iPad version of Flight Control in the Apple store. No big deal: direct the planes, and get them to land safely. I've had a chance to play the iPhone/touch version of the app in depth, and I can't tell you (that is to say, I can't admit) how addicted I am to this game.
As mentioned, the premise is simple: create flight paths for multiple airplanes, keep them from crashing, and keep doing it over, and over, and over again. After just a few games, it is easy to get hooked. The grahics are fine, and the sound effects are adequate, but it is the sheer "just-one-more-time" re-playability of the game that keeps you coming back for more. Trust me on this: I have a weekend missing to prove it.
Here's a look: