Puzzled Keiki puzzles buyers

Remember those old brain teasers about getting so many chickens across a stream, but you can't leave any with the wolf, etc? Of course you do (if not, play along). Puzzled Keiki brings together a bunch of those types of challenges. Unfortunately it does it in a way that lacks polish, and can at times come off as annoying.
While the graphics are clean, but un-inspired, the frustration comes from the slow pace of the game. As you'll see in the video below, it can take a long time for things to happen in the game: doubletap on a boat, and after a bit it finally goes across the stream. You can try the lite version, and see for yourself before buying.
While the puzzles themselves are interesting, the execution of the feel of the game leaves a lot of room for improvement.
Here's a look:
Puzzled Keiki in the App Store. Or try the lite version.
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