Macgirl Media Pick of the Week: The Prisoner (1967 Original Series)

I just completed a delightful ride, a precurser to the mystery and confusion of LOST...The Prisoner. The Prisoner, starring Patrick McGoohan, was a true work of art. Part spy vs. spy, part political statement, and all around clever at every turn. The writing is solid throughout the series. Originally planned as a miniseries, and produced in the UK, the show ended abruptly with a finale episode in the middle of season two, at 17 episodes. There has been some controversy about the ending of the show, but I must say without giving anything away-I really enjoyed it.
So take the time and fire up some great mind bending sci-fi/action/fun!
Reader Comments (3)
Great choice! Well ahead of it's time for a television series. Many fans don't realize that Patrick McGoohan created the idea, produce, directed and wrote most of the series. He was inspired by his previous show Secret Agent Man, which he played the main character. The last four episodes (when the show was informed it was being cancelled) are amazing.
The remake was interesting but was not as groundbreaking as the original.
I am glad you liked "the Prisoner" and see it for the masterpiece it is, I am old enough to have seen it when it first aired. However to compare it to "Lost" is like comparing Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" to Andy Warhol's "Campbell's Soup Cans".
Michael, I'm jealous you were able to watch the series in it original context!
Lost is an example of current show that people can relate to, which borrowed heavily from the themes/ideas of the Prisoner. Besides, I love pop art and I love renaissance. You can enjoy both but know the difference. :D