iPhone 4 Launch Day: Share Your Stories

Been in line since the wee hours? Easy in & out to grab your phone? Issues getting the model you wanted? Let us know how your iPhone 4 launch day is going in the comments below!
iphone 4,
launch day

Reader Comments (7)
I don't normally attend a launch day event preferring to wait a week. This time I felted that Apple had created another game changer; plus it was time to retire my first gen. I arrived at the Ardmore Apple store around 7am. I expected and found a long line. I quickly founded an Apple person and ask; where is the reserve line. She escorted me to a second short line and gave me some water. (Smart Water SJ's favorite) along with some Apple customer speak..After about a hour of baking in the sun. I was push aside by a small elderly lady who didn't appreciate having the great un-wash invading her Mainline mall. I told her age is no excuse for rudeness. She replied with a finger. At that point some one call her an a**. She angrly walked away. A few minutes lake the line started to moved. I start feeling that I would have my iPhone soon then it stopped! The line didn't move for what seem to be hours. I later founded out that someone or a group from the non-reserve line became upset and police had to be called.
While waiting I notice that most of the people in line was not the standard Apple fanboy/girls. It was mostly soccer moms, single ladies, 20 something girls and non mac guys. No one to tech/mac speak. I did manage to a launch date but what happen to the my Mac people.
Around 12 I was at the front door with my new founded lady friend. We could feel the cool air flowing from the store. As we waiting another new group became upset over two issues. 1 the long waiting and two ladies trying to cut in front in the non reserve line. Again the police did their job again.
Within a few minute I was inside waiting for a specialist. Within 5 to minutes I had my iPhone and I left with my launch date. Not to bad of a day.
Botched pre-orders, yellow screens, poor receptions, cracked glass. I can't think of a worse product launch in Apple's history. Of course they'll sell over a million by the weekend, so they probably don't care.
Gary, you're experience tells what we've all been thinking- the new iPhone has completely crossed over to the masses. I had so much fun in the line for the first iPhone. I guess most techies already have their smartphones, and are waiting to upgrade for the most part. Apple is sure to have a stellar quarter...
Unlike jamie's personal experiences. I had no issues! The display is incredible. Unmatched by any phone on the market. Yes any! This another game changer!
The email's new system is perfect for my needs and I can believe how responsive the overall OS. I just create my first move and watch it on 1080i HD TV and very impress with overall quality. The over all feel is solid not cheap. The design is tight. I haven't had any drops or connection issues and yes I drop it twice on a cement floor. The glass held up, no cracks. This is my personal real world experience.
Lets be real; any company who make a million of anything will have a few issues. I also realize that if out of million device if you have a few thousand bad unit the bloggers will jump on that issue to make a name for themselves.
This is a great phone!
Gary you are the president of the Apple-Defense-Force. You/re check is in the mail.
Sent from my iPhone twice (first time I dropped signal)
Will Jamie I base my opinions on real world not blogger or my personal feelings.