Wednesday Website of the Week: Pete's Twilight Zone

This week's WWW, while a nice choice for fans of The Twilight Zone, actually represents a dying breed on the internet. Pete's Twilight Zone site represents one man's cataloging curating of Twilight Zone episode summaries, trivia, and clips. In this age of Wikipedia, it seems like the need for fansites for classic shows is disappearing. So here's to Pete and his site, and all the other fansites like it still out there, cranking away.
Reader Comments (5)
Congratulations!!! couldn’t have picked a more dedicated, fan based, well ran, fun site! you all deserve it!
Thanks for all the hard work you do to keep us obsessed Twilight fans updated! And for the wonderful forum that I am addicted to!
This is an oldie but still a goodie
The Twilight Zone is one of the great 60's TV shows.
I m having my spring break right now so I probably just stay up until it comes out. I can’t wait for the movie to premier