Predators for the iPhone and iPod Touch Video Review

Take a well-known character/franchise like Predator, and make an iPhone game: What could go wrong? Sometimes it's not so much that something goes wrong as much as not much of anything happens. Predators is based on the 2010 reboot of the franchise. Not that you'll see that much that corresponds to any of the movies other than a few character stills in between gameplay.
And speaking of gameplay, that's the most disappointing thing. Predators is a top down slasher, in which you play the role of the predator, taking on all the annoying humans by slashing, and slashing, and slashing some more. Upgrades don't come along very often, and the game can get tiresome. Overall, it feels like any of the many games of this type in the App Store, with the Predators title and graphics slapped on. Still some may like it just for the gameplay, and I suggest if you're on the fence, then try the free version first.
Here's a look:
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