Barnyard Bounce for the iPhone and iPod Touch Video Review

I have to credit where credit is due: I would never think of creating an iPhone game based on the concept of trying to keep inflated farm animals out of pink water. So kudos to the creators of Barnyard Bounce for coming up with an unusual concept. Unfortunately, the praise ends there.
As mentioned above, Barnyard Bounce consists of trying to keep animals from falling into the water. You do this by tapping on the screen, while keeping an eye out for bonus bubbles along the way. The whole time, a rotating banner ad is at the bottom of the game. While I understand the need to support ads with advertising, I can't imagine anyone would stop mid-game and click on one of these ads.
As for the game itself, you can unlock different animals by reaching different point totals. The gameplay remains the same, so there isn't much incentive for unlocking.
Here's a look:
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