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iSamJackson for the iPhone and iPod Touch Video Review

iSamJackson marks perhaps the highest profile star getting involved with the creation of an iPhone app. Samuel L. Jackson has created hundreds of original sound clips for the app, and its add-on packs. Both "clean" and "explicit" versions of the app are available for $1.99.  Unfortunately, you won't find any of Jackson's famous movie lines due to copyright restrictions, but the developer says they are exploring additional content options for future updates.

There's also an "Ask iSamJackson" feature in which Jackson replies to your questions with magic 8 ball-esque responses. Additionally, there's an app that "scans" your fingerprint, followed by a Jackson quip. This particular feature seems the least useful (as useful as an app of Samuel Jackson voice clips could be).

(iTunes link)

Here's a look:


Reader Comments (1)

A really nice app, samuel l jackson's fans would definitely love it. Another good application for the iPhone.

January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterUnlock iPhone 3G

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