The Award For First Slate-Related Press Release Goes To...

We know that shortly after Steve wraps up tomorrow's unveiling of Apple'S LATEst creation" we will be inundated with press releases from app developers, eager to re-assure everyone their apps will be optimized for the new device.
In hopes of getting out in front of that avalanche, we've just received a press release from the app PR agency Appular, letting us know Stand Alone's Crosswords app will be ready for the new device:
Stand Alone, Inc. today announced that they are in the process of designing a larger version of their Crosswords iPhone App. The company has been refining the digital Crossword solving experience on the iPhone since the App launched at the opening of the App Store. In keeping with this aggressive innovation, Stand Alone has been fervently preparing to be among the first to modify their Crosswords App for the new form factor. With the influx of traditionally print media coming to the tablet, it’s only fitting that Crosswords also be at the forefront!
So without giving out any specifics (although they do use the name 'iPad' in the release title) we have our winner in the PR race to capitalize on the tablet/slate release. Can an iSkin be far behind?

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