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Macgirl's Media Pick of Week:  Young@Heart

I recently had the pleasure of stumbling upon the documentary Young@Heart directed by Stephen Walker.   It aired last week on PBS's Independent Lens.  What a joy this film is to watch.  We follow along as an elderly chorus group from Massachusetts, with an average age of 80 years old, rehearse and sing contemporary rock music. 

This movie has everything you might expect from a good documentary- life, death, joy and frustration.  But it is so much more than a documentary.  It sucks you in and you become a part of their world.  The life lessons and joy that is evident in every moment of the film do not hit you over the head.  It is a subtle and kind movie, with some of the best performances you will ever see.  I am now a fevered fan and cannot stop singing yes we can can under my breath. 

You can visit the Young@Heart Chorus website for lots more info, and the documentary is available on iTunes.

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